Born in Jerusalem 1984, Talia Benabu uses printmaking, painting, film and performance
in her artistic practice. She studied Art History and Philosophy at the Hebrew University
of Jerusalem (2007-2010) and Fine Arts in the Master Class Program of the Jerusalem
Studio School (2009-2012).
Solo Exhibitions
2020 Spurensuche, Gallery Helle Coppi, Berlin
2019 Fragile Ways, Keative Werkstatt, Dresden
2019 Talia Benabu, Kupferman Collection Museum, Kibbutz Lohamei HaGeta'ot
2018 An der sonngewohnten Strasse, Tapir Gallery, Berlin
2017 Talia Benabu Monotypes, Skaraborgs Konstgrafiska Verkstad, Skövde Sweden
2017 "The Reflection of the Open", Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin. (with Kerstin Franke-Gneuss)+ Improvised performance.
2017 First Impressions, Galerie La Girafe, Berlin + Improvised performance.
2015 Depixed, Yafo Creative, Tel Aviv.
2013 Silenzio, Lower City Municipal Gallery, Haifa.

Selected Group Exhibitions
2022 "What grows and who lives" Artspace, Tel Aviv
2022 "Urban.Building.Scheme II", Haifa Municipality gallery, Haifa
2021 "Bread and Roses 16" art sale project. Tel Aviv
2021 "Urban.Building.Scheme", Hanina Gallery, Tel Aviv
2021 "Hitkabzut'", HaNeviim Gallery, Haifa
2019 4. Berlin Becher Triennale Berlin - “Extended Matter”
2019 Konkret, Altefeuerwache Löchwitz, Dresden
2019 Ostrale Biennale, Dresden
2018 Something Found, Tapir Gallery, Berlin
2018 New members show themselves!, Grafik i Väst Gallery, Gothengurg, SE
2018 Internationale Druckgrafikausstellung: EREIGNIS DRUCKGRAPHIK 10 / 2018, Leipzig, DE
2017 Graphiccall 2017, 4bid gallery, Amsterdam NL
2017 Nature in Binary, IMRSV, Berlin DE
2017 Fremde Werte, Galerie Drei, Dresden DE
2017 121&1, International Short Silent Film Celebration, Haifa, IL
2016 ENDEGRA pop-up (European network for printmaking), Imatra, FI
2016 Spielkarten-Kartenspiel, Dresdner Sezession 89 e.v, Dresden, DE
2015 ...auf den Kopf, Dresdner Sezession 89 e.v, Dresden,DE
2015 Zwischenraum, Dresdner Sezession 89 e.v, Dresden. (With Marion Kahnemann), DE
2014 ENDEGRA (European network for printmaking), Skövde, SE
2014, 2015 Zinnober, Hannover, DE
2014 Alfred XL, Alfred Gallery, Tel Aviv, IL
2013 House Warming, The Wing Gallery, Haifa, IL
2017 A.I.R Residency Skaraborgs Konstgrafiska Verkstad, Skövde Sweden.
2015, 2016 Grafikworkstatt Dresden (in cooperation with the Altefeuerwache-Loschwitz).
Konstmuseet Skövde
2017 Talia visar färgminnen KULTUR: Sommarens andra Artist in residence. SLA 04 aug 2017
2015 Arbeiten von Marion Kahnemann und Talia Benabu in der galeriedrei, Dresdener Neueste Nachrichten, 02.06.2015.
2013 44 Degrees Art Magazine- issue Urban Landscape, May 2013.